
A number of ways to contribute to the Gateway Anti-Virus project are outlined below. For the most part, they are in order by difficulty. If you find another way to help that isn't listed below, don't hesitate to contribute. The list below is just an outline of some ideas to get people thinking. In any case, if you'd like to make a contribution, simply write an e-mail to one of the developers with a patch attached.


Every application can use more testing. Try Gateway Anti-Virus in deferent environments with different workloads. Tell us what works and what breaks. We'd also like bug reports and suggestions for improving Gateway Anti-Virus.


Well written documentation is crucial to any successful project. Without documentation, no one would know how to configure and run Gateway Anti-Virus. Documentation that is up to date is also key. In many cases, out dated documentation is worse than no documentation at all. We'd welcome contributions of web site changes.

Client Application Programming

Try writing clients in other languages. Submit the code and we'll include it.